Rethink Coalition News and Updates

Indy Chamber - Boston Leadership Exchange Study Trip
Civic leaders from across Central Indiana visit Boston in September 2024 to study the thriving university- and industry-led innovation ecosystem and the impact of the Big Dig infrastructure transformation.

October 2023 Update
Rethink Coalition holds workshop with INDOT, submits comments to INDOT’s ProPEL Indy Study, submits observations and recommendations to INDOT's I-65 SAFE Project . . .

December 2022 Update
Rethink celebrates a successful year, ERI fellow, Eavy Barbieux reflects on work with the Coalition, we say good-bye to longtime friend, and it’s more than a church . . .

September 2022 Update
INDOT’s new ProPEL Indy initiative, update on I-65 South Safety and Improvement Project, and preparing a federal Reconnecting Communities Grant Application . . .

June 2022 Update
Updates on I-65 safety and improvement project, how a recessed highway concept can reduce traffic congestion and . . .

February 2022 Update
Updates on new federal funding opportunities, infrastructure-related news from around Indianapolis, and what’s happening with highways in . . .

December 2021 Update
An Evening with A'Lelia Bundles, Rethink submitted comments to INDOT’s Landscape Plans for the North Split, the Indy Chamber weighed in on infrastructure, what is redlining?, and Dallas is building another deck park over a highway . . .

November 2021 Update
In presenting the ARUP Study findings, we hear a lot of questions! Here are some of the most common . . .

Indy Chamber & Rethink Coalition Release Study of ‘Inner Loop’ Interstate Rebuild Alternatives
Findings support feasibility of a recessed interstate option, a ‘once-in-a-generation’ investment opportunity in the vitality of downtown Indianapolis . . .

Rethink Coalition Incorporates as Nonprofit
Group will work to encourage smarter highway design to benefit and heal the heart of Indiana . . .

Grant Received to Study Recessed Highway Concept
Rethink Coalition partners with Indy Chamber Foundation and receives Lilly Endowment grant to study alternative concepts for future Inner Loop reconstruction . . .

Rethink’s Response to INDOT’s Sec. 106 Adverse Impact Recommendations
The Rethink Coalition has developed a collective response to INDOT’s identified “adverse effects” on historic properties . . .

Rethink Coalition's 2nd Submission to the INDOT CSS Process
The Rethink Coalition has developed a collective response to INDOT’s request for input to its second round of proposed CSS concepts, ideas, and treatments for the North Split project . . .

Rethink Coalition's 1st Submission to the INDOT CSS Process
The Rethink Coalition has developed a collective response to INDOT’s request for input on suggested CSS concepts, ideas and treatments for the North Split project . . .

Battle Over Inner Loop Must Shift to New Phase
In an op-ed for the IBJ, Paul Knapp explains how the Rethink 65/70 Coalition’s focus is shifting going forward . . .

An Update to Supporters on Rethink 65/70
Enthusiasm for the Coalition’s Recessed Highway Reconstruction concept is growing . . .

Listen Up, Governor: Let's Rethink I-65/70 In Indianapolis
Here's a simple but vitally important request for Gov. Eric Holcomb and his transportation team concerning the future of Downtown Indianapolis: Please listen . . .

The Rethink Coalition’s Design and Arup Advisors’ Presentation
On November 12, 2018, the Rethink Coalition unveiled its design for I-65/I-70 reconstruction, and international transportation firm Arup Advisors released its assessment of this design’s enormous positive economic development impact.

Rethink Coalition Invites Public to Hear Experts’ View of Redesign Opportunities
The Rethink 65/70 Coalition will host a presentation at Indiana Landmarks Center on November 12 . . .